Creek Bed
Creek Bed is a video project in progress made in collaboration with ...
If you’d like to submit a video, follow the instructions below.
I’ll be selecting from submissions and making a collage experimental video over the next 6 months, October 2024 - March 2024.
Thanks and looking forward to see what ideas emerge and what this turns into!~
If you’re into moving, dancing, nature, self exploration, this might be of interest! I’m working on a little experimental video (similar style to the Refraction video) but with other movers this time. In short, last fall I discovered a trail cam out in the woods where I’d been going to dance and move and just be in nature. The spot was in a creek bed at the Ridges in Athens, Ohio. Athens folks, many of you might know where I'm talking about. The trail cam was gone the week after I saw it, so I started recording myself as if the trail cam was capturing me in the “wild”. I did this every Wednesday for the whole season of autumn last year. If you want to be a part of the conversation, I’ll be accepting vids through December 21 as I’d like for them to stay consistent with the season of fall and all its changes. The video can be anywhere between 1-5 min. Must be self recorded in a spot in nature, preferably in a creek bed, but I’m open to similar spots (maybe another creek bed in another place that holds some kind of meaning to you). I will most likely be including clips of what you share in collage with other clips, rather than the whole recording you share in its entirety. <3
Record a video of yourself in a creek bed moving how you want to move. Dancing, walking, stretching, standing, gesturing, acting, etc.
Place your camera in a place so your whole body is visible for the majority of the video. It's okay (and even encouraged) to show yourself turning on and off your camera in the video you submit.
You may bring to mind someone who you imagine watching you, someone there with you or someone looking through the lens of your camera. This may also be what's around you in nature (the leaves, the trees, the birds, the bugs, etc.) or an imaginary someone you'd like to be there with you, seeing you as you move.
Important Deets:
Change your phone settings so that your phone shoots in 4K and 30FPS (higher resolution)
Use the camera on the back of your phone.
The video should be between 1 and 5 minutes.
Make sure the video file is as big as possible, don’t compress it or make it smaller.
You are welcome to upload another video if you get a new idea. This call is open through the December 21, 2024.
Erin will reach out (through email) if she'd like to use your video. Erin will most likely be including clips of what you share in collage with other clips, rather than the whole recording in its entirety.
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Here are the directions to the Ridges creek bed in Athens, OH if interested:
Park here at the trailhead for the Ridges trails on 682: https://maps.app.goo.gl/tcYswMV5cC9sadSK7
Once parked, head into the trail on right and you will see a trail map/sign and a wooden bridge. This wooden bridge goes over the creek.
To get to the spot where I did my movement, step into the creek (or along it if there is water flowing) and walk back into the woods. The creek curves to the right. Follow it.
You may have to walk across the top of some fallen trees or duck under some branches but go until there is a clearing. You should know when you're in the spot when the stones of the creek widen and there's clear banks rising along the sides with exposed roots of trees growing down. The roots of the tree that I propped my phone on to record was to the left walking in from the parking lot.
If you get to the waterfall (mini) you've gone too far. If you get to bigger rocks that you have to step over and onto, you've gone too far.
Note: This is NOT an accessible trail. You may record your creek bed movement in any favorite spot in nature. I'll just be happy to see what you do!